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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services does their best to provide a fair assessment of every Nursing Home, but please note these ratings are a snapshot in time. The average length of stay at Lancashire Hall is approximately 26.7 days. (this may include both short and long-term care visits).
The process for health inspections at nursing home facilities examines all of the important elements of a resident’s care in a nursing home. Onsite inspectors rate every nursing home facility on over 180 factors. Averaging the available ratings gives an aggregate star rating of 2.43 for Lancashire Hall versus the PA average of 3.37 and a national average of 3.20. Austria's national railway system is not only punctual, reliable and efficient, but offers free wifi to boot.
Owner and Operator Information for Lancashire Hall
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Sometimes, complaints can result in an enforcement action because the nursing home isn’t complying with regulations. Skilled nurses, therapists and licensed care professionals are available to guide you through your personalized therapy. Whether you’re recovering after a hospital visit or in need of on-going medical support, Lancashire Hall will help you achieve your personal goals.
Other Senior Care in Lancaster, PA
We offer a modern, comfortable and secure facility staffed by caring professionals where each individual receives the finest sub-acute medical care, Rehabilitation services and 24 hour skilled nursing care. Nursing homes are rated from 1-star to 5-stars with 1-star being the best rating and 5-star being the best rating. For the Health Inspection Rating the nursing homes in each state are ranked based on their weighted three year inspection score. The top 10 percent of nursing homes are awarded a 5-star rating; the bottom 20 percent are awarded a 1-star rating. In between 1-star and 5-star, the remaining homes are divided equally into three tranches which correspond with the stars 2 to 4.
Lancashire Hall has open common spaces that feature gardens and courtyards, which are safe for outdoor walks. Residents can choose from either a private or semiprivate room. Rooms come furnished, but residents are free to add their own special touches. The community prides itself on being clean and safe, with an activity room and full kitchen.
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Rome2rio also offers online bookings for selected operators, making reservations easy and straightforward. The Hofkirche is a Gothic church located in the Altstadt section of Innsbruck, Austria. The church was built in 1553 by Emperor Ferdinand I (1503–1564) as a memorial to his grandfather Emperor Maximilian I (1459–1519), whose cenotaph within boasts a remarkable collection of German Renaissance sculpture. The church also contains the tomb of Andreas Hofer, Tyrol's national hero. Yes - snacks and drinks may be purchased from the driver. Please note, this is not available on all services.

Read through customer reviews, check out their past projects and then request a quote from the best gardeners & lawn care services near you. Finding gardeners & lawn care services in my area is easy on Houzz. Ensure residents do not lose the ability to perform activities of daily living unless there is a medical reason. Lancashire Hall has 240 beds making this nursing home larger than the Pennsylvania state average of 126.
Users have also submitted 15 reviewsbased on their own opinions with Lancashire Hall.You can't find these reviews anywhere else! If you have experience with this nursing home, you cansubmit your own rating or reviewto help others make better informed decisions. 2 stars compared to the PA average of 3.49 and a National average of 3.12. 2 stars compared to the PA average of 3.71 and a National average of 3.33.
The community pledges that residents will “Live Well, Every Day.” Lancashire Hall’s focus is on providing skilled nursing care and rehabilitating seniors who have been disabled due to an accident, illness or injury. CMS regularly inspects every skilled nursing facility. The health inspection scores are an absolute value, so you can compare one facility's score directly to another. The Overall Star rating is based on the facility's performance as compared to other facilities in the same state, so you cannot easily compare one facility's Overall star rating to a facility in another state. Lancashire Hall, located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, are dedicated to helping our residents maximize their potential and live their lives to the fullest.
Please note that the pricing above is the average billed to Medicare. (Supplemental Insurance / Medicare Advantage Plans, single or double rooms, etc). If you are interested in this facility you should contact Lancashire Hall directly for exact pricing and what options are available for you or your loved one's personal care needs. Lancashire Hall is a nursing home located in Lancaster that offers nursing home care. is a leading online destination for caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones.

The staff ratings and quality measure ratings follow a similar process but the divisions are based on a national ranking. The division between star ratings is called the “cut-rate”. Cut-rates are redefined periodically and are published by CMS. Lancashire Hall received an overall rating from CMS of 1 stars compared to the PA average of 3.27 and a National average of 3.32. Ratings from residents, family members, and visitors to our site are available below.
As of the last update they had a daily average of 172.8 residents compared to the PA average of 97.63 and a National average of 86.4. Star ratings are often best used for basic comparisons and when deciding which facilities to visit. However, nothing beats actually visiting the nursing home yourself when possible. The last time this data was collected they cared for at least 48 men and 82 women in a one year period that received Medicare benefits.
Five different rating results plus detailed inspection numbers and quality measures for Lancashire Hall. Lancashire Hall is a nursing home in Lancaster, PA that has a total of 229 residents. Lancashire Hall has an Overall Star Rating of 1 stars. This results in a 72% daily average occupancy rate compared to the Pennsylvania average of 76.8% and a national average of 81.38%.
Lancashire Hall Violations, Complaints and Fines
The residents were encouraged to decorate their rooms as they felt comfortable. The facilities seemed very crowded, and not well maintained. The atmosphere was not too bad, but the care was not to the standard that I would have expected. The staff seemed to be caring, but overloaded with patients and or responsibilities. My mother was there for approximately 3 months for a rehab assignment.
I’ve watched many of the staff come to work and give it 110% merely because they care for the residents. It is worth mentioning that Medicare pays for what they deem as 'medically necessary' skilled nursing care. They have 240 beds and a daily average of 172.8 residents .
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